From AdonaiMedrado.Pro.Br
EndOfFile: physical end of the file \u0000 \u001A EndOfLine: \u000D \u000A \u000D \u000A EndOfFile WhiteSpace: Space Space WhiteSpace Space: \u0020 \u0009 \u000B \u000C Comment: /* Characters */ // Characters EndOfLine NestingBlockComment Characters: Character Character Characters NestingBlockComment: /+ NestingBlockCommentCharacters +/ NestingBlockCommentCharacters: NestingBlockCommentCharacter NestingBlockCommentCharacter NestingBlockCommentCharacters NestingBlockCommentCharacter: Character NestingBlockComment Token: Identifier StringLiteral CharacterLiteral IntegerLiteral FloatLiteral Keyword / /= . .. ... & &= && | |= || - -= -- + += ++ < <= << <<= <> <>= > >= >>= >>>= >> >>> ! != !== !<> !<>= !< !<= !> !>= !~ ( ) [ ] { } ? , ; : $ = == === * *= % %= ^ ^= ~ ~= ~~ Identifier: IdentiferStart IdentiferStart IdentifierChars IdentifierChars: IdentiferChar IdentiferChar IdentifierChars IdentifierStart: _ Letter UniversalAlpha IdentifierChar: IdentiferStart 0 NonZeroDigit StringLiteral: WysiwygString AlternateWysiwygString DoubleQuotedString EscapeSequence HexString WysiwygString: r" WysiwygCharacters " Postfixopt AlternateWysiwygString: ` WysiwygCharacters ` Postfixopt WysiwygCharacters: WysiwygCharacter WysiwygCharacter WysiwygCharacters WysiwygCharacter: Character EndOfLine DoubleQuotedString: " DoubleQuotedCharacters " Postfixopt DoubleQuotedCharacters: DoubleQuotedCharacter DoubleQuotedCharacter DoubleQuotedCharacters DoubleQuotedCharacter: Character EscapeSequence EndOfLine EscapeSequence: \' \" \? \\ \a \b \f \n \r \t \v \ EndOfFile \x HexDigit HexDigit \ OctalDigit \ OctalDigit OctalDigit \ OctalDigit OctalDigit OctalDigit \u HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit \U HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit \& NamedCharacterEntity ; HexString: x" HexStringChars " Postfixopt HexStringChars: HexStringChar HexStringChar HexStringChars HexStringChar HexDigit WhiteSpace EndOfLine Postfix c w d CharacterLiteral: ' SingleQuotedCharacter ' SingleQuotedCharacter D Specification 1 0 Character EscapeSequence IntegerLiteral: Integer Integer IntegerSuffix Integer: Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal Integer IntegerSuffix: L u U Lu LU uL UL Decimal: 0 NonZeroDigit NonZeroDigit DecimalDigits Binary: 0b BinaryDigits 0B BinaryDigits Octal: 0 OctalDigits Hexadecimal: 0x HexDigits 0X HexDigits NonZeroDigit: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DecimalDigits: DecimalDigit DecimalDigit DecimalDigits DecimalDigit: 0 NonZeroDigit _ BinaryDigits: BinaryDigit BinaryDigit BinaryDigits BinaryDigit: 0 1 _ OctalDigits: OctalDigit OctalDigit OctalDigits OctalDigit: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 _ HexDigits: HexDigit HexDigit HexDigits HexDigit: DecimalDigit a b c d e f A B C D E F FloatLiteral: Float Float FloatSuffix Float ImaginarySuffix Float FloatSuffix ImaginarySuffix Float: DecimalFloat HexFloat DecimalFloat: DecimalDigits . DecimalDigits . DecimalDigits DecimalDigits . DecimalDigits DecimalExponent . Decimal . Decimal DecimalExponent DecimalDigits DecimalExponent DecimalExponent e DecimalDigits E DecimalDigits e+ DecimalDigits E+ DecimalDigits e- DecimalDigits E- DecimalDigits HexFloat: HexPrefix HexDigits . HexPrefix HexDigits . HexDigits HexPrefix HexDigits . HexDigits HexExponent HexPrefix . HexDigits HexPrefix . HexDigits HexExponent HexPrefix HexDigits HexExponent HexPrefix: 0x 0X HexExponent p DecimalDigits P DecimalDigits p+ DecimalDigits P+ DecimalDigits p- DecimalDigits P- DecimalDigits FloatSuffix: f F L ImaginarySuffix: i Keyword: abstract alias align asm assert auto body bool break byte case cast catch cdouble cent cfloat char class const continue creal dchar debug default delegate delete deprecated do double else enum export extern false final 1 5 D Specification finally float for foreach foreach_reverse function goto idouble if ifloat import in inout int interface invariant ireal is lazy long mixin module new null out override package pragma private protected public real return scope short static struct super switch synchronized template this throw true try typedef typeid typeof ubyte ucent D Specification 1 6 uint ulong union unittest ushort version void volatile wchar while with SpecialTokenSequence # line Integer EndOfLine # line Integer Filespec EndOfLine Filespec " Characters " Module: ModuleDeclaration DeclDefs DeclDefs DeclDefs: DeclDef DeclDef DeclDefs DeclDef: AttributeSpecifier ImportDeclaration EnumDeclaration ClassDeclaration InterfaceDeclaration AggregateDeclaration Declaration Constructor Destructor Invariant UnitTest StaticConstructor StaticDestructor DebugSpecification VersionSpecification ; ModuleDeclaration: module ModuleName ; ModuleName: Identifier ModuleName . Identifier ImportDeclaration: import ImportList ; static import ImportList ; ImportList: Import ImportBindings Import , ImportList Import: ModuleName ModuleAliasIdentifier = ModuleName ImportBindings: Import : ImportBindList ImportBindList: ImportBind ImportBind , ImportBindList ImportBind: Identifier Identifier = Declaration: typedef Decl alias Decl Decl Decl: StorageClasses Decl BasicType Declarators ; BasicType Declarator FunctionBody AutoDeclaration Declarators: DeclaratorInitializer DeclaratorInitializer , DeclaratorIdentifierList DeclaratorInitializer: Declarator Declarator = Initializer DeclaratorIdentifierList: DeclaratorIdentifier DeclaratorIdentifier , DeclaratorIdentifierList DeclaratorIdentifier: Identifier Identifier = Initializer BasicType: bool byte ubyte short ushort int uint long ulong char wchar dchar float double real ifloat idouble ireal cfloat cdouble creal void .IdentifierList IdentifierList Typeof Typeof . IdentifierList BasicType2: * [ ] [ Expression ] [ Type ] delegate Parameters function Parameters Declarator: BasicType2 Declarator Identifier () Declarator Identifier DeclaratorSuffixes () Declarator DeclaratorSuffixes DeclaratorSuffixes: DeclaratorSuffix DeclaratorSuffix DeclaratorSuffixes DeclaratorSuffix: [ ] [ Expression ] [ Type ] Parameters IdentifierList: Identifier Identifier . IdentifierList TemplateInstance TemplateInstance . IdentifierList Typeof: typeof ( Expression ) StorageClasses: StorageClass StorageClass StorageClasses StorageClass: abstract auto const deprecated extern final override scope static synchronized Type: BasicType BasicType Declarator2 Declarator2: BasicType2 Declarator2 ( Declarator2 ) ( Declarator2 ) DeclaratorSuffixes Parameters: ( ParameterList ) ( ) ParameterList: Parameter Parameter , ParameterList Parameter ... ... Parameter: Declarator Declarator = AssignExpression InOut Declarator InOut Declarator = AssignExpression InOut: in out inout lazy Initializer: void NonVoidInitializer NonVoidInitializer: AssignExpression ArrayInitializer StructInitializer ArrayInitializer: [ ] [ ArrayMemberInitializations ] ArrayMemberInitializations: ArrayMemberInitialization ArrayMemberInitialization , ArrayMemberInitialization , ArrayMemberInitializations ArrayMemberInitialization: NonVoidInitializer AssignExpression : NonVoidInitializer StructInitializer: { } { StructMemberInitializers } StructMemberInitializers: StructMemberInitializer StructMemberInitializer , StructMemberInitializer , StructMemberInitializers StructMemberInitializer: NonVoidInitializer Identifier : NonVoidInitializer AutoDeclaration: StorageClasses Identifier = AssignExpression ; AttributeSpecifier: Attribute : Attribute DeclarationBlock Attribute: LinkageAttribute AlignAttribute Pragma deprecated private package protected public export static final override abstract const auto scope DeclarationBlock DeclDef { } { DeclDefs } LinkageAttribute: extern extern ( LinkageType ) LinkageType: C C++ D Windows Pascal AlignAttribute: align align ( Integer ) Pragma: pragma ( Identifier ) pragma ( Identifier , ExpressionList ) StringLiterals: StringLiteral StringLiterals StringLiteral ArgumentList: AssignExpression AssignExpression , ArgumentList Expression: AssignExpression AssignExpression , Expression AssignExpression: ConditionalExpression ConditionalExpression = AssignExpression ConditionalExpression += AssignExpression ConditionalExpression -= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression *= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression /= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression %= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression &= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression |= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression ^= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression ~= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression <<= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression >>= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression >>>= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression: OrOrExpression OrOrExpression ? Expression : ConditionalExpression OrOrExpression: AndAndExpression OrOrExpression || AndAndExpression AndAndExpression: OrExpression AndAndExpression && OrExpression OrExpression: XorExpression OrExpression | XorExpression XorExpression: AndExpression XorExpression ^ AndExpression AndExpression: EqualExpression AndExpression & EqualExpression EqualExpression: RelExpression EqualExpression == RelExpression EqualExpression != RelExpression EqualExpression is RelExpression EqualExpression !is RelExpression RelExpression: ShiftExpression InExpression RelExpression < ShiftExpression RelExpression <= ShiftExpression RelExpression > ShiftExpression RelExpression >= ShiftExpression RelExpression !<>= ShiftExpression RelExpression !<> ShiftExpression RelExpression <> ShiftExpression RelExpression <>= ShiftExpression RelExpression !> ShiftExpression RelExpression !>= ShiftExpression RelExpression !< ShiftExpression RelExpression !<= ShiftExpression InExpression: RelExpression in ShiftExpression ShiftExpression: AddExpression ShiftExpression << AddExpression ShiftExpression >> AddExpression ShiftExpression >>> AddExpression AddExpression: MulExpression AddExpression + MulExpression AddExpression - MulExpression CatExpression CatExpression: AddExpression ~ MulExpression MulExpression: UnaryExpression MulExpression * UnaryExpression MulExpression / UnaryExpression MulExpression % UnaryExpression UnaryExpression: PostfixExpression & UnaryExpression ++ UnaryExpression -- UnaryExpression * UnaryExpression - UnaryExpression + UnaryExpression ! UnaryExpression ~ UnaryExpression ( Type ) . Identifier NewExpression DeleteExpression CastExpression NewAnonClassExpression NewExpression: NewArguments Type [ AssignExpression ] NewArguments Type ( ArgumentList ) NewArguments Type NewArguments ClassArguments BaseClasslistopt { DeclDefs } NewArguments: new ( ArgumentList ) new ( ) new ClassArguments: class ( ArgumentList ) class ( ) class DeleteExpression: delete UnaryExpression CastExpression: cast ( Type ) UnaryExpression PostfixExpression: PrimaryExpression PostfixExpression . Identifier PostfixExpression . NewExpression PostfixExpression ++ PostfixExpression -- PostfixExpression ( ) PostfixExpression ( ArgumentList ) IndexExpression SliceExpression IndexExpression: PostfixExpression [ ArgumentList ] SliceExpression: PostfixExpression [ ] PostfixExpression [ AssignExpression .. AssignExpression ] PrimaryExpression: Identifier .Identifier this super null true false NumericLiteral CharacterLiteral StringLiterals ArrayLiteral FunctionLiteral AssertExpression BasicType . Identifier typeid ( Type ) IsExpression ( Expression ) ArrayLiteral: [ ArgumentList ] FunctionLiteral: function Typeopt ( ArgumentList )opt FunctionBody delegate Typeopt ( ArgumentList )opt FunctionBody ( ArgumentList ) FunctionBody FunctionBody AssertExpression: assert ( Expression ) assert ( Expression , Expression ) TypeidExpression: typeid ( Type ) IsExpression: is ( Type ) is ( Type : TypeSpecialization ) is ( Type == TypeSpecialization ) is ( Type Identifier ) is ( Type Identifier : TypeSpecialization ) is ( Type Identifier == TypeSpecialization ) TypeSpecialization: Type typedef struct union class interface enum function delegate super Statement: ; NonEmptyStatement ScopeBlockStatement NoScopeNonEmptyStatement: NonEmptyStatement BlockStatement NoScopeStatement: ; NonEmptyStatement BlockStatement NonEmptyOrScopeBlockStatement: NonEmptyStatement ScopeBlockStatement NonEmptyStatement: LabeledStatement ExpressionStatement DeclarationStatement IfStatement ConditionalStatement WhileStatement DoStatement ForStatement ForeachStatement SwitchStatement CaseStatement DefaultStatement ContinueStatement BreakStatement ReturnStatement GotoStatement WithStatement SynchronizedStatement TryStatement ScopeGuardStatement ThrowStatement VolatileStatement AsmStatement PragmaStatement ScopeStatement: NonEmptyStatement BlockStatement ScopeBlockStatement: BlockStatement LabelledStatement: Identifier ':' NoScopeStatement BlockStatement: { } { StatementList } StatementList: Statement Statement StatementList ExpressionStatement: Expression ; IfStatement: if ( IfCondition ) ThenStatement if ( IfCondition ) ThenStatement else ElseStatement IfCondition: Expression auto Identifier = Expression Declarator = Expression ThenStatement: ScopeStatement ElseStatement: ScopeStatement WhileStatement: while ( Expression ) ScopeStatement DoStatement: do ScopeStatement while ( Expression ) ForStatement: for (Initialize Test; Increment) ScopeStatement Initialize: ; NoScopeNonEmptyStatement Test: empty Expression Increment: empty Expression ForeachStatement: Foreach (ForeachTypeList; Aggregate) ScopeStatement Foreach: foreach foreach_reverse ForeachTypeList: ForeachType ForeachType , ForeachTypeList ForeachType: inout Type Identifier Type Identifier inout Identifier Identifier Aggregate: Expression Tuple SwitchStatement: switch ( Expression ) ScopeStatement CaseStatement: case ExpressionList : Statement DefaultStatement: default: Statement ContinueStatement: continue; continue Identifier ; BreakStatement: break; break Identifier ; ReturnStatement: return; return Expression ; GotoStatement: goto Identifier ; goto default ; goto case ; goto case Expression ; WithStatement: with ( Expression ) ScopeStatement with ( Symbol ) ScopeStatement with ( TemplateInstance ) ScopeStatement SynchronizedStatement: synchronized ScopeStatement synchronized ( Expression ) ScopeStatement TryStatement: try ScopeStatement Catches try ScopeStatement Catches FinallyStatement try ScopeStatement FinallyStatement Catches: LastCatch Catch Catch Catches LastCatch: catch NoScopeNonEmptyStatement Catch: catch ( CatchParameter ) NoScopeNonEmptyStatement FinallyStatement: finally NoScopeNonEmptyStatement ThrowStatement: throw Expression ; ScopeGuardStatement: scope(exit) #NonEmptyOrScopeBlockStatement scope(success) #NonEmptyOrScopeBlockStatement scope(failure) #NonEmptyOrScopeBlockStatement VolatileStatement: volatile Statement volatile ; AsmStatement: asm { } asm { AsmInstructionList } AsmInstructionList: AsmInstruction ; AsmInstruction ; AsmInstructionList PragmaStatement: Pragma NoScopeStatement AggregateDeclaration: Tag { DeclDefs } Tag Identifier StructBody Tag Identifier ; Tag: struct union StructBody: { } { StructBodyDeclarations } StructBodyDeclarations: StructBodyDeclaration StructBodyDeclaration StructBodyDeclarations StructBodyDeclaration: Declaration StaticConstructor StaticDestructor Invariant UnitTest StructAllocator StructDeallocator StructAllocator: ClassAllocator StructDeallocator: ClassDeallocator ClassDeclaration: class Identifier BaseClassListopt ClassBody BaseClassList: : SuperClass : SuperClass InterfaceClasses : InterfaceClass SuperClass: Identifier Protection Identifier InterfaceClasses: InterfaceClass InterfaceClass InterfaceClasses InterfaceClass: Identifier Protection Identifier Protection: private package public export ClassBody: { } { ClassBodyDeclarations } ClassBodyDeclarations: ClassBodyDeclaration ClassBodyDeclaration ClassBodyDeclarations ClassBodyDeclaration: Declaration Constructor Destructor StaticConstructor StaticDestructor Invariant UnitTest ClassAllocator ClassDeallocator Constructor: this Parameters FunctionBody Destructor: ~this() FunctionBody StaticConstructor: static this() FunctionBody StaticDestructor: static ~this() FunctionBody ClassInvariant: invariant BlockStatement UnitTest: unittest FunctionBody ClassAllocator: new Parameters FunctionBody ClassDeallocator: delete Parameters FunctionBody NewAnonClassExpression: new (ArgumentList)opt class (ArgumentList)opt SuperClassopt InterfaceClassesopt ClassBody InterfaceDeclaration: interface Identifier InterfaceBody interface Identifier : SuperInterfaces InterfaceBody SuperInterfaces Identifier Identifier , SuperInterfaces InterfaceBody: { DeclDefs } EnumDeclaration: enum Identifier EnumBody enum EnumBody enum Identifier : EnumBaseType EnumBody enum : EnumBaseType EnumBody EnumBaseType: Type EnumBody: ; { EnumMembers } EnumMembers: EnumMember EnumMember , EnumMember , EnumMembers EnumMember: Identifier Identifier = AssignExpression FunctionBody: BlockStatement BodyStatement InStatement BodyStatement OutStatement BodyStatement InStatement OutStatement BodyStatement OutStatement InStatement BodyStatement InStatement: in BlockStatement OutStatement: out BlockStatement out ( Identifier ) BlockStatement BodyStatement: body BlockStatement TemplateDeclaration: template TemplateIdentifier ( TemplateParameterList ) { DeclDefs } TemplateIdentifier: Identifier TemplateParameterList TemplateParameter TemplateParameter , TemplateParameterList TemplateParameter: TemplateTypeParameter TemplateValueParameter TemplateAliasParameter TemplateTupleParameter TemplateTypeParameter: Identifier Identifier TemplateTypeParameterSpecialization Identifier TemplateTypeParameterDefault Identifier TemplateTypeParameterSpecialization TemplateTypeParameterDefault TemplateTypeParameterSpecialization: : Type TemplateTypeParameterDefault: = Type TemplateValueParameter: Declaration Declaration TemplateValueParameterSpecialization Declaration TemplateValueParameterDefault Declaration TemplateValueParameterSpecialization TemplateValueParameterDefault TemplateValueParameterSpecialization: : ConditionalExpression TemplateValueParameterDefault: = ConditionalExpression TemplateAliasParameter: alias Identifier alias Identifier TemplateAliasParameterSpecialization alias Identifier TemplateAliasParameterDefault alias Identifier TemplateAliasParameterSpecialization TemplateAliasParameterDefault TemplateAliasParameterSpecialization: : Type TemplateAliasParameterDefault: = Type TemplateTupleParameter: Identifier ... TemplateInstance: TemplateIdentifer !( TemplateArgumentList ) TemplateArgumentList: TemplateArgument TemplateArgument , TemplateArgumentList TemplateArgument: Type AssignExpression Symbol ClassTemplateDeclaration: class Identifier ( TemplateParameterList ) [SuperClass {, InterfaceClass }] ClassBody FunctionTemplateDeclaration: Type Identifier ( TemplateParameterList ) ( FunctionParameterList ) FunctionBody TemplateMixin: mixin TemplateIdentifier ; mixin TemplateIdentifier MixinIdentifier ; mixin TemplateIdentifier !( TemplateArgumentList ) ; mixin TemplateIdentifier !( TemplateArgumentList ) MixinIdentifier ; MixinIdentifier: Identifier ConditionalDeclaration: Condition DeclarationBlock Condition DeclarationBlock else DeclarationBlock Condition : Declarations DeclarationBlock: Declaration { Declarations } { } Declarations: Declaration Declaration Declarations ConditionalStatement: Condition NoScopeNonEmptyStatement Condition NoScopeNonEmptyStatement else NoScopeNonEmptyStatement Condition: VersionCondition DebugCondition StaticIfCondition VersionCondition: version ( Integer ) version ( Identifier ) VersionSpecification version = Identifier ; version = Integer ; DebugCondition: debug debug ( Integer ) debug ( Identifier ) DebugSpecification debug = Identifier ; debug = Integer ; StaticIfCondition: static if ( AssignExpression ) StaticAssert: static assert ( AssignExpression ); static assert ( AssignExpression , AssignExpression ); AsmInstruction: Identifier : AsmInstruction align IntegerExpression even naked db Operands ds Operands di Operands dl Operands df Operands dd Operands de Operands Opcode Opcode Operands Operands Operand Operand , Operands Operand: AsmExp AsmExp: AsmLogOrExp AsmLogOrExp ? AsmExp : AsmExp AsmLogOrExp: AsmLogAndExp AsmLogAndExp || AsmLogAndExp AsmLogAndExp: AsmOrExp AsmOrExp && AsmOrExp AsmOrExp: AsmXorExp AsmXorExp | AsmXorExp AsmXorExp: AsmAndExp AsmAndExp ^ AsmAndExp AsmAndExp: AsmEqualExp AsmEqualExp & AsmEqualExp AsmEqualExp: AsmRelExp AsmRelExp == AsmRelExp AsmRelExp != AsmRelExp AsmRelExp: AsmShiftExp AsmShiftExp < AsmShiftExp AsmShiftExp <= AsmShiftExp AsmShiftExp > AsmShiftExp AsmShiftExp >= AsmShiftExp AsmShiftExp: AsmAddExp AsmAddExp << AsmAddExp AsmAddExp >> AsmAddExp AsmAddExp >>> AsmAddExp AsmAddExp: AsmMulExp AsmMulExp + AsmMulExp AsmMulExp - AsmMulExp AsmMulExp: AsmBrExp AsmBrExp * AsmBrExp AsmBrExp / AsmBrExp AsmBrExp % AsmBrExp AsmBrExp: AsmUnaExp AsmBrExp [ AsmExp ] AsmUnaExp: AsmTypePrefix AsmExp offset AsmExp seg AsmExp + AsmUnaExp - AsmUnaExp ! AsmUnaExp ~ AsmUnaExp AsmPrimaryExp AsmPrimaryExp IntegerConstant FloatConstant __LOCAL_SIZE $ Register DotIdentifier DotIdentifier Identifier Identifier . DotIdentifier AsmTypePrefix: near ptr far ptr byte ptr short ptr int ptr word ptr dword ptr float ptr double ptr real ptr MangledName: _D QualifiedName Type _D QualifiedName M Type QualifiedName: SymbolName SymbolName QualifiedName SymbolName: LName TemplateInstanceName TemplateInstanceName: __T LName TemplateArgs Z TemplateArgs: TemplateArg TemplateArg TemplateArgs TemplateArg: T Type V Type Value S LName Value: n Number N Number e HexFloat c HexFloat c HexFloat A Number Value... HexFloat: NAN INF NINF N HexDigits P Exponent HexDigits P Exponent Exponent: N Number Number HexDigits: HexDigit HexDigit HexDigits HexDigit: Digit A B C D E F Name: Namestart Namestart Namechars Namestart: _ Alpha Namechar: Namestart Digit Namechars: Namechar Namechar Namechars LName: Number Name Number: Digit Digit Number Digit: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Type: TypeArray TypeSarray TypeAarray TypePointer TypeFunction TypeIdent TypeClass TypeStruct TypeEnum TypeTypedef TypeDelegate TypeNone TypeVoid TypeByte TypeUbyte TypeShort TypeUshort TypeInt TypeUint TypeLong TypeUlong TypeFloat TypeDouble TypeReal TypeIfloat TypeIdouble TypeIreal TypeCfloat TypeCdouble TypeCreal TypeBool TypeChar TypeWchar TypeDchar TypeTuple TypeArray: A Type TypeSarray: G Number Type TypeAarray: H Type Type TypePointer: P Type TypeFunction: CallConvention Arguments ArgClose Type CallConvention: F U W V R Arguments: Argument Argument Arguments Argument: Type J Type K Type L Type ArgClose X Y Z TypeIdent: I LName TypeClass: C LName TypeStruct: S LName TypeEnum: E LName TypeTypedef: T LName TypeDelegate: D TypeFunction TypeNone: n TypeVoid: v TypeByte: g TypeUbyte: h TypeShort: s TypeUshort: t TypeInt: i TypeUint: k TypeLong: l TypeUlong: m TypeFloat: f TypeDouble: d TypeReal: e TypeIfloat: o TypeIdouble: p TypeIreal: j TypeCfloat: q TypeCdouble: r TypeCreal: c TypeBool: b TypeChar: a TypeWchar: u TypeDchar: w TypeTuple: B Number Arguments